Providing the wisdom to live out God’s Word in Proverbs 8:18


LOVE from fellow Christians who Uphold the Bible as Truth today, tomorrow and forever.

On-demand Courses
Weekly Live Group Coaching
Resources for every business need at your fingertips
Peer-to-Peer Support and Engagement
Work At Your Own Pace
Access to Experts, Templates & More


We offer on-demand courses, weekly live coaching, a network of resources for every business need, networking, peer-to-peer cheering, accountability programs, and PRAYER. 

Through our partnership with Get Heard, we offer a first-step course for each new NCVBI business owner.  This first course Making God #1 In Your Businesses is presented in collaboration with author, podcaster, and business owner Mauri Rene. 

“Only 2 percent of Christian Owned

Small Business in America

have access to a platform like this.”

About Us

The National Christian Virtual Business Incubator (NCVBI) is founded on the promises of the Word of God in Psalms 8:18 (ESV) “Riches and honor are with me, enduring wealth and righteousness. ”  Business failure is not God’s way for us, his followers, his believers.  After years of research through focus groups, courses, group facilitation and 1:1 coaching, we have identified a few key challenges that delay success for Christian businesses.

We call these Blessing Blockers: 

A lack of consistent biblical principles and strategies to guide the day-to-day work and uphold visions. Limited or no access to peer-to-peer groups to provide clarity, referrals, accountability, training, and collaborations No engaged prayer life with people who serve as intercessors and discipleship leaders;

Limited access to resources like funding, marketing and communications, sales, operations, human resources and more from vetted Christian business leaders.

Addressing the Gap

We developed this program that anyone with a mobile phone, laptop, tablet, or desktop can access. Our objective, like an incubator for a bird, is to serve as a warm and safe place that ensures every enrolled business takes flight. The Word of God is the central point of reference in how Christian businesses are intended to be – prospering to be blessings to others, growing in faith to the disciple, and increasing in love for our neighbors.

Our goal is to overcome cost as a prohibitive for Christian businesses getting the help they need to be successful as God intended.  You can join HERE for just $199 for the year and get access to a wealth of services.

Join Us Today

Just $199 gets you full access to all of the benefits of our incubator.

What People Are Saying

NCVBI's focus on integrating the Word of God into every aspect of business has been truly transformative for me. It's not just about profits; it's about becoming a blessing to others and growing in faith and love. I've never experienced anything quite like it
Lafayette Crawford
Business Consulting Expert
"Joining NCVBI has been a game-changer for my business. With just my mobile phone or laptop, I've found a supportive community that feels like a warm nest, nurturing my growth and ensuring my business takes flight."
Hayden Kanikkeberg
Business Funding Expert
“What made me join NCVBI? The promise of overcoming cost barriers resonated deeply with me. For just $199 a year, I've gained access to invaluable support and resources, and I have no regrets. It's been worth every penny and more."
Ney Balmores
Executive Virtual Assistant

Join Our Online Community

Join Our Facebook Live Group for Weekly Coaching, Networking, Presentations, and Resources, including Weekly Prayer